8 Week Rotation Classes
Sixth Grade Library Media students are completing their research projects on an ancient civilization. They’ve reviewed how to find reliable information, take notes on important aspects of their topic and how to turn their information into a slideshow or research paper.
6th Grade Coding. This 8 week rotation, introduced 6th graders to the importance of learning to code and coding their own version of GeoMetry Dash or Crossy Roads games using the Hopscotch App. Game design is also introduced in how a user interacts with the game, winning and losing and building in variables for obstacles. Most importantly, making the game possible, but challenging! During the final week, the games are shared to get feedback from their peers. Hoping this sparks an interest in coding!
Seventh Grade Inv/Tech students are producing slideshows or videos on an aspect of screen technology that they would like to learn more about. Some of the topics include social media, gaming, tech in education, and online bullying. Their projects are shared on the final class day.
12 Week Rotation Classes
8th Grade Innovation Lab Class (Haycock) Each team of students has been working through the design thinking process to solve a problem for one of their fellow team members. Most teams are trying to solve problems that involve trouble waking up in the morning, feeding the dog, and losing items. Students are currently designing their gadget and after which construct it using recycled materials and Little Bits circuits. The final class day is devoted to each group pitching their final product to classmates.
8th Grade Innovation Lab Class (Horvath). During these 12 weeks, 8th graders are learning to create, design and build by combining technology and Maker Ed. Students learned how to code an app with 3 screens, images, buttons and sounds using’s App Lab. Each student designed an app for our Project Happiness Awe Image activity. We also took to hand sewing felt bats and adding LED circuits to light up the eyes to decorate the hallways for the Dracula Play. These last weeks, we’re exploring how to code multiple LEDS to create light up signs using Chibitronics. The signage will support messages in the Makerspace and/or Project Happiness. Everything is a way for students to contribute to the school environment and to develop an innovator-maker mindset in learning through trial-error, failure-success, becoming resourceful, and preserving!