EveryDay Blakers Podcast!
EveryDay Blakers is our brand new, first time EVAH launch of a school podcast! It is hosted by our very own @techmonstah (Diane Horvath, Technology Integration Specialist) and Heimtime (Mrs. Heim, 6Grade Science Teacher) with the purposing of telling the stories of our Blakers... students, staff, &community. This fits nicely with Blake's theme of diversity and recognizing that everyone has more than one story to tell... to share! Watch for an episode every other week and you can also listen to audio segments as they are recorded in a super cool app, Anchor FM. (Think audio version of Snapchat).
So far we have dropped two, count them... 2 episodes already! You can listen in a couple of ways.
Get the Anchor FM app and follow us!
Click on this Link for audio segments via web that live for 24 hours.
Episode 1: Diversity (link to iTunes)
Episode 2: Game Changing News (link to iTunes)
OR best yet.. Don't miss an episode by subscribing to our podcast in iTUNES and Google Music!
SHOUT OUT 2 Mrs. Stover for composing our Theme Music & 6th Grader Joy for designing our logo!